Monday, March 24, 2008

2Moons Guides *HOT* Vicious Summoner Guides (1)

New Summoner Guide for Newbies + Walkthrough 1-30

Some new things have been happening after experimenting people have found many ways to build summoners and what skills to use to give them better survival rate.
New ways to build-
1. Pump Str, Health not just Str and keep spirit as low as possible
2. Pump health over Str and low spirit no dex
3. Pump str keep spirit dex and health even
4. Pump spirit and health ignore str and dex ( only enough for weapons )
As you can see many new ways to vary your summoner have been done. Some people have 2k hp at level 20 some have 800 but do 2xs more damage.
Lot have realized staff is better then twinblade for the very reason- Long range, more power, spells keep up with other classes abilities.
im sure all the twinblades out there with high str still getting out damage by azure knights and bagis skills understand what i mean when i say staff magic spells keep up with other classes skills.
reason is because Staff and summoner..derr its a debuff/magic class.. the str multiplyer % on the skills isnt that good so twinblade skills are gimp shit compared to others…my friends bagi does like 1k+ at level 20 and im at 30 with 2xs his str doing 1k with my atk maxed level lol.
For PvP i still suggest libido pets. Only because the poison, curse, stun and other effects help and they do more dps then beast. Also if you notice armors have resistances which means this game has elemental resistances and beast pets can be nullified greatly.
Both pets are even its been tested they both keep up with each other so basically choose w.e you want.
I’ve heard beast for staff because both ranged or libido because its a tank while you cast. whatever you choose they both work but just remember what i said above for pvp reasons.
summoner still has the best DPS in the game so pvp at early and mid levels is no sweat most dont get more then 5 hits in because of the speed summoners have. High level i expect to see less summoners just because i played dekaron and i had a high level summoner and i know what level 100 pvp fights are like and its not gonna be as easy up there.
The most widely used build ive noticed is .. this ( im just gonna show stats for a avg level 30 summoner )
health-30+ or -
Spirit-26+ or -
this is for twinblade for staff using same idea this what ive found
health- 30+ ( higher then that 9 times outa 10 )
str- w.e weapon requirement isWalkthrough
1- Start LOA because i find it easier to get around i personally started at braiken and spawns are overcrowded because everyone starts there. and just go out side and kill the white mobs near you. Also get the quest from the guard and talk to skill mastr
2- talk to skillmaster for new quest and go outside kill same white mobs as before. dont try higher and over estimate yourself youll die=P
3-Same thing move up to stronger monsters now
4-Keep on exping in first area of LOA and collect any weapons/armors/items you can and sell what you dont need
5- head to next area if your ready or stay there
6- head to next area
7- attempt first level of newbie dungeon you have to log the quest first its good exp and you should hit 8-9 from it
8- do second part or newbie maze
9- attemp third but youll fail so just go exp at undead in north ares or in LOA kill w.e its white name to you
10- keep exping off those
11- keep exping off those
12- move up to something higher
13- do third newbie maze quest i did it at 12 but some people need extra level or 2 if you cant do it now dont stress level few more
14- head to denebe ( only if you know you can otherwise stay there and exp on highest thing in area )
15- kill lizardman and make sure you log the quest in the area for the mantis
16- keep killing lizardman you should have pet by now so itll help alot
17- head for lizard knights grind there
18- do mantis quest start killing the mantis to the west in the plains. partying helps it go faster
19- keep exping off mantis
20- stay on mantis or go in castor cave and exp off skeles or head to heiharp if both those to much head into norak cave do nightmares make sure to log quest from guard in braiken ( prolly LOA too idk who though )
21- norak if cant handle other areas i suggest start doing higher mobs the vets stay away from large groups of archers
22-25 norak will suffice for this if your still there 22-23 i sugget heading to heiharp or move near the second floor where the strong mobs are. otherwise in heiharp do fenrils still and in castor cave do skeles and eager hands or w.e they are
26-30 this where i deff suggest heiharp multi spawns and partys easy at parka shrine…i suggest setting home point there since youll be here for awhile for future leveling and accessing other areas to exp if you get bored around 28-29 go to frozen valley vengance. otherwise you should level very easily in partys in a large spawn in heiharp
30+ frozen valley
any higher look for other guides its fairly easy to find exp spots my hands cramped and im too lazy to write a 30-150 exp areas.
NOTE: i started in braiken not loa so i dont know the npcs and monsters and crap i honestly never go there except to fish when im lazy lolz… so i didnt name crap but its easy to figure out what i mean anything white to you is basically your target until the 20s because its fast easy dies in 2 shots…faster exp is better exp.
( this article comes from

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