Monday, March 24, 2008

2Moons Guides *HOT* Treasure of Crespo Dungeon Instance Guide/Walkthrough

Treasure of Crespo Dungeon Instance Guide/Walkthrough

Treasure of Crespo - 60+ Instance Dungeon - Located in (you guessed it: Crespo)
There are 3 seperate instances you can choose, and they all run on the same map. The only difference is the level mob you will face inside the dungeon.
Treasure of Crespo
Treasure of Crespo B
Treasure of Crespo A
The first one, is commonly referred to as “C”, and the other 2 are as stated, “B” and “A”.
Crespo is a party dungeon, as opposed to Nunvice instance where there are no parties. The entry fee to either of the 3 dungeons is 300,000 dil. This can become pretty expensive to solo, so most people will get into parties. Once you arrive at the dungeon you will see people saying such things as “Looking for more Quick B 70+” or “LFDP (looking for dungeon party) Full C, Lvl 67 AK”, “LFDP A 80+”, etc etc. I will explain these more in detail in the next section. However, basically it comes down to that if you have a 6 person party, each person will only need to put in 50,000 dil. This is done in the loading area of the dungeon where it is custom for one person to pay, and the other 5 drop 50k from their inventory.
Now, about joining a party for each dungeon. C is good for the lower levels, 60 through around 66-67. After that, the mobs start becoming green. B is generally best run with a team of 70+ members for fast efficiency (I will explain the difference between fast and full runs shortly), however, a smart team with a healer can probably easily complete the first portion as early as 64-65. However, this is where it gets tricky.
People, usually are at the instance dungeon for XP. So what you will see, is people doing “Fast or Quick” runs. This maximizes the amount of xp one can get from the dungeon while taking the least amount of time. What it means that, a party will find other members wanting to do a fast run, they will go in, pay, and then try to go through the dungeon until the midpoint or so, and then relog. If everything went smoothly, the players will choose a different (or same) server to relog, and then they reform party, and do the same thing as before. An efficient party in Dungeon B can run the first part of the dungeon in about 12-14 minutes.
Now, the second most common party you will see (in my opinion) is people looking for Dungeon A. The minimum level in most people’s minds is 75. However, an efficient run is usually run by people 80+ (and some have said that a whole team of level 90’s have been known to eat it if not careful). Once again, the difference between the dungeons is not structure, but only level of mobs. Dungeon A mobs hit hard, a healer is a must for any A party. I will stop here in reference to A, since i have actually not done a fast A run with any party before (i’m level 75 at the moment). I have been in the dungeon A, and killed everything up to midpoint w/ a friend, however this was done VERY SLOWLY and using my pet tentator :P.
The next part you should take note of. The other kinds of parties you will see are referred to as “Full” parties. This means that they party will run the dungeon in its entirety (sp.?). After the midpoint, members will continue until they kill the boss and claim the prize at the end. The reward for killing the boss is obsidian, which, accumlated, can be traded at the exchange center in braiken or loa for unique items. Take note though, that the lowest unique item takes 15 obsidian to obtain (and it’s crap :P). High level fishing rod I believe is like 120 obsidian, and the necklace is 150.
Anyway, I digress. Killing the boss, is difficult, but can be made easy with a strong party and a healer. (I have killed the boss in a party without the healer, but pots are used in high quantities. )
The most commonly attempted full dungeon is Full “C” since it by far the easiest, with lower level high level mobs (sorry for the oxymoron). The boss is still strong, but is weaker than it’s B and A counterparts. It helps to do Full C with an average of level 70, 75’s, it will go much faster, but it is not a steadfast requirement by any means. I’ve done it successfully at level 62, with a party of 6x’s. A good healer, and some strong tanks is needed. And before I forget, Vicious summoners, yes we know you hate them, make the process a lot easier. 2 Summoners is often a requirement (although not imperative), since 2 pets w/ the ability to stun on the boss = a lot easier time killing the darn thing.
Full B is usually attempted by at least 75+, 80+ is common for full B parties. And my understanding is that you receive 2 pieces of Obsidian at the end, although I have not done it personally.
Full A, beats me, need some really high levels. =)Now, for the best part, or something like it.
If you’d like to figure out the dungeon for yourself, that’s cool. Just don’t read this part, as it will tell you step by step what is in each dungeon and the procedures used by party members to complete it in a timely fashion.
Part 1- Fast Run
1.) You begin in a loading area, to assemble your party and gather the money if need be. You have 5 minutes before the 45 minute dungeon time begins. Pull the lever.
2.) The mission starts and you run through the first room. This room is filled with many Dark Cerberus and Dark devilworkers, around level 60 I believe. The “correct” procedure is to run into the room and bunch up on the wooden door in front, and AOE the whole mob at once. Break down the wooden door.
3.) Next there is a steel door on your immediate left in front of you. Some, or all of you head to the right, following the passage around the wall. You head over to the corner and pull the lever releasing the mobs. When you pull the lever this also destroys the steel gate. The “correct” procedure is for the party to stand in the very middle of the room, that way attacting all mobs at once. AOE the crap out of them, then proceed back the way you came through the steel door.
*Note: Depending on who you are partying with, and which instance of the dungeon (A,B,C) you are doing, parties will generally split. Sometimes, half of the party will take the first room, while the next half waits to rush through the door once the lever is pulled. You will see different combinations, 2-4, 3-3, sometimes even a strong party member will solo the first room, since it is not that difficult. Though, caution, if your party is lower level, or without a healer, you better stick together, or you will find the mobs will destroy you quickly.
4.) Head through the steel doors, then follow the passageway to the next room. It will be a right turn, right, then u-shaped turn if i remember correctly (i’m doing this from memory). The party/people taking the next room will head west down the corridor and pull lever and destroy the next gate. The correct procedure for this room is to stand up against the little outcropping of wall (you’ll get it once you do it),and AOE the room. In this room however, you might note that the zombies that spawn, have the ability to stun you. So it can get a little dicey if you’re not expecting it.
5.) After heading through the broken gate, there will be a small u-turn where you hit the next wooden gate. Break it down as quickly as possible, then proceed around the corner making a left turn. Follow the passage around until you hit the next room, and AOE it as mentioned in the previous step (same room layout). In this room however, you will only need to kill about half of the zombies (not sure exact number) and then the rest will explode saying you’ve killed all you need to. Downside is you only get the xp for the ones up to the limit. Upside, if you’re not a stronger party, you won’t be so scared of dying .
6.) Now, if you haven’t done so already, the leader should put the party loot method on [random]. The party heads down the corridors, and around the turns, until you reach a long corridor. There is a wooden gate on the left that can be destroyed. There’s a treasure of crespo chest in there that contains 4 various gems. Occasionally a +44 rhombus, or +18 or so medial will drop, or a +36 pyramid (it varies), but that’s not very frequent. Usually at this point, someone will take the initiative to head down the corridor and acquire the will from the corpse. There’s a corpse sitting next to the steel gate, all you gotta do is, click click click the options and then the gate will come down.
7.) The next part is a series of coffins. Destroying each coffin will spawn zombies that you have to kill. 80 zombies dead will = the next gate destroyed. Generally the procedure, is that the team will disperse and kill the treasure chests around the area containing dil. Next the team will meet on the bridge area, just north of the squarish room. Inside the square room there is one coffin. Someone stands inside there and breaks the coffin, usually an AK, Bagi, Hunter (IE someone with run buff), although I can do it w/ my pet too. Note, this is important, you have to lure at least 20 zombies from the first area, to the bridge. This is because the number that spawns from the other 2 coffins. So if you want it to be efficient, lure at least 20 zombies from the first coffin onto the bridge. Aoe, rinse, and and then run to the left or right area where another coffin awaits.
8.) The next two coffins are done in the same manner, with the party standing in the “middle square” tile. The coffin is broken w/ range and a ton of zombies are spawned around the group. This is where weaker groups get nailed, because these zombies are harder than the previous ones. AOE them, and if 20 zombies were killed in the previous step, the last coffin will complete the 80 you need.
9.) Once the 80 have been killed, all the others will “disappear” or die. The steel gate is broken, and the party heads to the right down the hallway. The party should head through the portal to the right, while one stays behind (preferrably the weakest of the party) and pulls the lever. This spawns the last set of zombies in the following room. The “correct” place to stand is in the middle between the 2 outcroppings of the wall. You’ll know what I mean if you do the dungeon.
10.) Now, the fun part (not really). Here’s where some weaker parties will stop, but most go ahead and do this part. There are 3 coffins. There’s a middle coffin, a north coffin, and an east coffin (to the right). The east coffin is the one done first, being the easiest. It spawns 11 Algols (ghost, evelyn, etc. depending on instance). If the party is strong, they will usually stand around the coffin and break it, causing all or most of the algols to agro the group. Alternatives include standing against the small hole in wall to the left, that allows about 1/3 to 1/2 of them to agro at a time. Or, if the party is lower level and without a healer, generally one ranged class can “lure” 1 or 2 at a time.
*Note: Some parties that are weaker might feel this part a waste of time, since the Algols are decidely harder to kill than zombies. Up to the party leader/members.
11.) Now, many parties will relog after killing the algols. However, some “fast” parties will continue to the north coffin. Upon breaking, the north coffin will spawn 10 alderamin ghosts, which look like clear aldebaraan (2nd summoner libido pet). They do a strong hit that is a double aoe hit if i’m not mistaken. And they also stun. For most parties, they are not worth the effort and potential to die, unless a healer and some strong tanks are present. It’s really up to the party leader/members once again. In a 70+ fast B run, generally the party will go ahead and do this part. The strong party can stand around the coffin, however, most parties stand against the far north wall, and kill about 2-5 at a time.
The above walkthrough now completes the “Fast” run, for those looking for the most XP. Remember, the key is to complete the run quickly, not to spend a long time killing mobs that are too hard and sacrifice speed for a little extra xp. So depending on the party, gauge how far you want to go before relogging.
Relogging then occurs, and the party can meet up on the same or different server and re-party, then do the dungeon again. An efficient party leader can round up party members quickly and be back in the dungeon for another run within a minute or so.
Personally, for me, I tell people to relog and meet “behind” the dungeon entrance. This helps to quickly spot returning members and add them.
Part 2- Full Run
This Next part is the Complete or “Full” remainder of the walkthrough. If your party is attemping the full run, this is what happens next.
1. We’ll pick up where we left on. You should have just killed the algols/alederamin ghosts in the room w/ 3 coffins. The middle coffin, upon breaking, spawns 10-11 (soul, karl, whatever) lasputin sorcerers. These are guys are a pain the butt, especially if you’re not expecting them. They throw ranged damage, the same as if you saw them in norak/castor 2, except–they do a lot more. And since they’re ranged you can’t gather them up and do AOE. So quickly dispose of them the best you can, personally i’m not sure the best tactics. I use my pet to occupy one, while i go for one next to. It helps to stay somewhat centered if you have a healer (which you probably should for a full run), so they can aoe heal you.
2.) After you have killed all sorcerers or 30 of the total monsters in the room, the steel gate will be broken. The next hallway is literally filled with monsters, the same kind you have fought in the previous rooms, along with some horace ghosts thrown in for kicks. Easiest way to do this is to lure a few at a time and dispatch quickly. Or if you have a strong party, charge! Another tactic if you are not concerned about getting the xp for these, you can simply send a strong runner through the mob, I’ll explain in the next step.
3.) After the mobs are dead (or if you sent a runner ahead), you will come to an altar in the center of a room. The altar is on top of a pyramid like stairway with 4 different ways. I’ll explain them as they come up. But first, all you need to do is click on the altar, and press the option that presents itself. This will automatically teleport all your party into a small chamber. Get the money from the chest, then prepare for a semi-hard fight. There are 4 dark lupains in this room, that can be pretty tough, especially for a weak party. Kill them one at a time or all at once depending on your levels/strength. Once you have killed all 4, you go back through the portal and “give the blood” to the altar.
Note: Since the altar will automatically teleport all party members to the lupain room, this is why some higher level parties will send a runner and skip the hallway altogether, to save time and reach the boss quickly.
4.) Phew, okay. Once you have given the blood to the altar, you can now break down the wooden gate to your left. Beyond the door, is a lever that one party member can pull. This will break the steel gate on the right side (if you were facing the altar from the original hallway). Head through the portal and take care of the 8 or so Horace ghosts. Here is the mini-boss. He’s pretty easy to kill, just has a lot of hp. Grab the dil, then head back through the portal after you’ve dispatched the mini-boss (if you can even call him that).
5.) Okay, we’re almost there! Head down the only hallway that you haven’t been down yet. This is the road to the boss chamber. Kill the Horace ghosts that are at the end of the hallway, and then buff at the door.
6.) BOSS Time! Here’s where it can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. The best tactic is to send summoned pets (if any summoners are in the party) right at the boss Laiden as soon as you break down the door. Tanks should rush the boss and start attacking as soon as possible too. Ranged stand back slightly and do your thing, while healer’s have the biggest responsibility of keeping everyone alive. The boss can easily hit for 1500 in a single hit, and has a deadly double hit that can 1 hit people under 4500 health points. Basically if you think the healer (or if no healer is present) is not going to heal in time, use a pot after 1 hit. That ensures you stay alive (maybe ).
The Laiden will spawn Laiden egos, which are the same as any other boss in the game, the spawn that bothers you while you’re trying to kill the boss. Except these guys are pretty strong, so I suggest you delegate a few people, if not everyone to take them out once they spawn.
With enough attack and hopefully pet stuns, the head Laiden will only spawn 1 or 2 egos the whole time. I’ve been in parties where he’s spawned about 6 and parties where he’s only spawned 1. So it just depends on if you keep him stunned and if you’re lucky or not =). It also is advised to try to lure the ego away from the main boss, since if you get hit by both at the same time, you’re dead.
If for some reason, your party gets owned, and only one or two are left retreating through the dungeon, this is bad…obviously you say, but also because the boss will continue to summon egos until you come back. So technically if you try to regroup, its going to be much harder to kill off 20 egos that are floating around within a timely manner.
So hopefully you’ve successfully killed the boss. Reward time! Go through the steel gate and split the chest, sometimes you’ll get better gems than the first gem chest, sometimes medials or rhombus will drop too. Then pull the lever, and there is one more chest that either contains a copper or gold argate (haven’t seen silver so I don’t know if that drops or not). So if you’re lucky you might get a copper out of it. Then, you get to exit the dungeon and get a piece of obsidian or two or three depending on which instance.
If the boss has been killed while someone (for instance someone who got smoked by the boss) is outside still, they CANNOT get back in. They have to run back BEFORE the boss has been killed or it will not let you back in the dungeon to obtain the obsidian. =( Bummer. I suppose this is in place so people cannot charge people to run in after the boss has been killed and collect obsidian. But I’m not sure about that. Anyways, make sure you’re inside when the boss is killed.

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