Monday, March 24, 2008

2Moons Guides *HOT* Incar Magician Guides (2)

3 Element Mage Build Guide by Warshot

This is a guide for people who want to make an all element mage.
Why play a mage:
-You get to play a female role
-High and consistent damage output
-Lots of AOE skills
-Spells have fancy visuals
-Always welcomed in parties
Why not to play a mage:
-You get to play a female role
-You can throw pretty punches at your enemies all you want and all they will do is point and laugh at you
-Relatively low defense
Why play a 3 element mage:
-Have all the high level spells for maximized carnage
-Less effected by mobs with elemental resistance
-Better PvP
-More choices for making your attack combos
-All the mages will be going 3 elements at high levels anyway
Why not to play a 3 element mage:
-There is no reason not to IMO
-Maybe except you will be slightly weaker from lvl 21 to 35, you probably won’t even notice itLvl 1-20
These are the newbie levels, you should be able level very fast no matter what build you have. Always having the 3 top spells will make the process go even faster. You will only need one point in each of the lvl 7 and lvl 16 spells, and you should start upping 2 of the 3 elemental masteries. I recommend fire and lightning for their early level AOE spells. For passive skills, just put left over points into energy mastery, and some points in mana force is mandatory. Seize Nimbis is a nice and cool looking buff spell, but energy mastery will net you more defense bonus in the long run. The elemental resistance is rarely needed unless you are pvping against other mages. Besides having to recast the buff over and over again is rather annoying, you will probably forget half of the time anyway.

Lvl 21-33
These will be relatively tedious levels. Try to level with parties, it’s still very doable. At level 27 you will get 3 new shiny spells, level27 ice is crap, it takes forever to cast and only freezes a target for 2 second and doesn’t even work half the time. Level27 lightning is a descent AOE spell with nice damage. And don’t look down on level27 fire just because it’s a close range. It is perhaps IMO the best lvl27 spell, it can be casted almost instantly and has very high damage output for early levels. It makes a great finishing move or the skill to use in a pinch. You should learn to use it, love it, but only put one point in it.
Also lvl 16,27 fire and light spells make an excellent AOE combo at early levels. You will be able to kill mobs very fast if you can master them.
If you really can’t get through these levels without using more points in spells(Unlikely IMO), you can always do a reskill at lvl36.
Lvl 34-35
The reason I put these 2 levels separately is because you will be able to go in Nunvice dungeon at 34, in there you will be able to get to lvl 36 super fast regardless of what build you have.
Lvl 36
The power of the mage is finally unleashed, you will now be able to get back at all those that looked down upon you before and stomped them to the ground. Go back to Heiharp and teach the noobs there why mages rock
From now on you should focus on maxing out lvl36 fire and light, lvl36 ice will be your backup AOE spell. Note that the cooldown times allow the 3 spells to be casted one after another.

Lvl 51
Don’t get the the lvl 51 skills if you don’t pvp a lot, they are not good for your general pve. Even if you like to pvp or just adore the fancy visuals, 1 point in each will be enough.

Lvl 81
Lvl 81 ice, good. Lvl 81 light, good. Lvl 81 fire, hmm the fire tree is going downhill.

Lvl 92
If you made it this far then grats, you are now an Uber mage. Use your ultimate spells to nuke everything you see unfit. This is also a good time to reskill since all the skills are out. If you reskilled already, then consider the cash shop, after all a game that made you waste hundreds of hours of your life is probably worth a couple bucks on, neh?
Following the reskill below you will have 20 points left to pump up you favorite lvl 81, 51, 36 (lvl 7!?) spells.

Anything in between the 1-4 and 2-3 heal/spirit ratio is good. Mage stats are simple, there is really no need to go too deep. Just up spr if you feel uncomfortable with another mage doing more damage than you and up heal if you find your self dying too fast.
If you are going for a 3 element mage then the wand is your obvious choice of weapon. Since mage armors have low def compared to other classes, I highly recommend getting 4 socket armor and helmets to put +def medials in them. For accessories, wear only +def rings necklaces. The reason is because every point you put in heal only gives you ~1.5 def while every point spr gets you ~3 magic damage. So the +def accessory will give more bonus in this respect. Socket your wand with pyramids since they will help increase attack power for all of your spells.
Where to Grind
1-20 Loa/Braiken Castle -> North Morte/Are -> Denebe
Pretty straightforward, you can do some newbie dungeon runs too.
21-33 Heiharp
Heiharp will give you the most exp for the bang if you can find a good party. The first time you get to Heiharp, go all the way to Parka Shrine and set your return point there so you don’t have to walk all the way back if you die/restock.
34-50(54) Nunvice Dungeon in Requies
Nothing beats 500exp for an easy to kill spidey. If you make it all the way through you will also get a whopping 50k exp. Killing the last boss is optional, the reward you get is not good for mages. If you are still not sick of running the dungeon yet after lvl50 then feel free to hardcore your way through to lvl55.
51-54 Norak Cave 2
If you feel you’ve graduated from the dungeon then this is the place to be. Peccare and frailers in the middle of the cave will be the best target for mages.
55-65 Crespo
This place is a heaven for mages if you can learn to avoid those minibosses. High mob limit(4) and lack of ranged mobs will make grinding less of a pain. Feel free to do some lvl60 dungeon runs.
65+ Draco Desert
Prepare for a potfest, the exp will be worth it though.

( this article comes from

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