Monday, March 24, 2008

2Moons Guides *HOT* Segnale Guides (1)

Nunvince Dungeon Guide for Segnales

I see a lot of Segnales asking for help for this instance, and I figured I could help out some since
I’ve been running it for around 15 levels now. If you have any of you have more tips it would be
nice to post them here so we can get them all in one place.
First, some basic information. I’m a level 50+ healing segnale, with my main stat as ‘heal’ (no, not
spr). I have fairly high spr though, since I like to keep it near/above dex (which is at min) and I
spam skills for damage. This being said, a pure heal segnale will probably be able to complete the
instance at a much lower level than the seg’s who go dex or spr mainly.
Why do I mention this? Because if you are a high enough segnale to do this instance, I hope you have
realized that one of the main weaknesses of segnales is knockback. The more def you have, the better
you do against multiple mobs. The PvE bread and butter skill of most segnales tends to be ‘blood
hit’ (or barrage), which is easily interruptable in the beginning. Not to mention, our heals which
CAN be interrupted. This, combined with our lack of AoE below 59 (no, I don’t consider evil spear to
be AoE- that thing is near worthless as an AoE) makes any mob number greater than 1 a problem if
they can interrupt us.
Anything that aggravates this weakness is a huge liability to our survival. Hence, fighting two red
mobs is NOT twice as hard as fighting 1 mob, but more like 3 times as hard. And fighting 3 mobs at
once is 5 times as hard as fighting two mobs at once.
Because of the way the dungeon is structured, segnales have a naturally hard time. Consider the
non-boss enemies- sasquatches are almost impossible to lose. You cannot run away from them, they
will follow you to the ends of the dungeon. Skeleton knights are ranged and like to use skills that
interrupt. They also tend to come with a set of sasquatches. Spider larvae have an irritating web
attack that roots you. Spiders, thankfully, don’t have anything to hinder you, although they do spam
a poison attack that leeches your life.
Most of this guide then, is on how to minimize the amount of mobs you need to fight in each of the
dungeon areas. I’ll assume knowledge of basic techniques, such as kiting, knowing your whip range,
‘pressing E’ to heal other yourself, etc… Also, the directions on where to go are pretty self
explanatory in the quest log, so I won’t go into that.
The sections are be broken up into what I consider the ‘problem areas’ for segnales i.e. :
THE TREASURE ROOM (2 Spider Souls)
THE SEAL OF VESSAGO (1 Knight + Sasquatches)
THE LABORATORY ENTRANCE (2 Knights + Sasquatches)
THE LABORATORY (Lord Kunda + 5 Knights + Sasquatches)
THE SACRIFICIAL CHAMBER (2 Spiders + 2 Larvae + Spider Boss)
THE CHAMBER OF SPACE (general tips)
THE GODDESS STATUES (3 Frizkhans + 3 in the Center)
THE THRONE OF THE GODDESS (Boss Spider)General Tips:
If you spam skills like I do, bring many, many, many MP pots. Nunvice dungeon gives gems, beads,
agates, but NO equipment (except for a ring). Therefore, you don’t need that much space, fill up so
you won’t have to go back to town. As healers, our mana is our life and damage, do not forget this.
If you are doing this dungeon at level 34 or a few levels above that, you do NOT have to complete
the dungeon. (in fact, it is probably impossible). Nunvice dungeon creatures give very high amounts
of experience for their hitpoints, but they hit hard for their level. Don’t waste 10k by trying to
‘run it’ to get to the end and dying 5 minutes into the dungeon.
You will want to kill everything you come across if they are white or red to you, and you will want
to do it safely. Tape something to cover up the countdown timer on your monitor. This is not a race,
this is an expensive, but worthwhile grind. Later on, you will have much more money when you exit
the dungeon that you will when you enter it. Slow and steady will make sure you exit out the dungeon
gracefully into requies beach after 30 minutes with a LOT of experience and most of your money back.
Racing the clock will get you dumped back in a body bag with nothing to show for it.
Learn the aggro range of the creatures, and get used to map.PART I: THE TREASURE ROOM
Most of the time this should be easy. Simply use a large range skill like backdraft to grab one
spider and kill it. Rinse and repeat and grab the chest.
I only mention this part because its the first room where you might end up fighting two boss
creatures if you aren’t able to kite well. If this does happen you get to practice techniques for
dealing with the 3 frizkhan spawn at the end of the dungeon. They don’t hit too hard, but you can
get a general feel for the timing of dealing with two very nasty mobs. The first thing is to LEARN
YOUR HEAL INTERRUPTS. Most of us should have learned to watch our life bar by now, and to know when
we need a heal in the middle of a fight. For those of you who have haven’t got this down yet because
you haven’t fought aggressive creature mobs, its time to start learning.
Self heal is an extraordinarily fast cast, if you have it, use it. Most of the time its extremely
hard to interrupt if you time it after an attack. After a while, you should be able to use it
instinctively between skill spams in a fight. Heal other loses your target, which could be a problem
if they are stacked together and you need to find the half dead one. Use it if you don’t have a
choice. Hyper heal should be saved as an emergency heal to be spammed TOGETHER with a heal pot. A
longer cast time + heavy mana cost and its ability to heal 2k+ at level 1 makes it a something to
hit in an emergency if you can get it off.
Keep in mind, auto attack can sometimes mess up your heal timing. If you use it, make sure you give
yourself a bit more room for interruption.
Regardless, this room should be easy even at level 34.THE SEAL OF VESSAGO (1 Knight + Sasquatches)
You need to break into this room to get inside the laboratory. There are certain rules you need to
follow if you are having trouble with this place. These will seem (hopefully) obvious to most of
#1 Prepare Yourself. Kill EVERYTHING you might back into if you need to kite the sasquatches and the
knight away from the room. HEAL and BUFF yourself.
#2 When breaking this door, DO NOT USE YOUR WHIP. Use a range attack like backdraft and keep the
#3 DO NOT ENTER THE ROOM. (you can disregard this if you just need to kill the stragglers)
Hopefully, you haven’t drawn every monster in the room to you if you’ve broken the door from range.
Move away from the front of the door and move slowly forward. You should know their aggro range by
now. Don’t worry, they can see you perfectly fine through the wall. You should also be able to see
the monster names through the wall. If any of them begin to move, RUN BACK and hide behind the
If you have drawn the skeleton knight, hiding around a corner will force the knight to close the
distance to hit you, and you can ambush him with a blood hit before him and his posse can react.
Kill him with spam skills first, then work over his bodyguards. If you’ve drawn too many, try to
kite the mobs while you wait for your cooldown timers on skills or heal. Under no circumstance
should you run into the room if you are trailing mobs.THE LABORATORY ENTRANCE (2 Knights + Sasquatches)
Ouch. This is a nasty little room that is a prelude to an even nastier one waiting for you.
However, I consider this room to be the worst of the Laboratory section, since its entrance dumps
you in FRONT of skeleton knights + bodyguards. In the worst case scenario (and it happens ~70% of
the time) you have 2 knights and 4 sasquatches waiting for you. Their locations are all pretty
random, so you’ll have to orient yourself pretty quickly, and its going to be hectic until both the
knights are dead.
There are a few things you can do to prevent the situation from being a complete sh*tfest. The most
obvious one is to BUFF and HEAL. Make sure you have a full mp bar when you enter. The second one is
to go for the knights first. Spam your skills on them and use pots to heal. They are lethal because
they are easily able to interrupt you and they are ranged. Once both knights are dead, you can kite
the mob around the room and heal yourself while using barrage hit + backdraft spam to kill them one
by one.
Once you have level 40 armors (or are mainly heal stat specced), sasquatches should not interrupt
you anymore, and this room should become much easier to do.THE LABORATORY (Lord Kunda + 5 Knights + Sasquatches)
This room is actually quite easy for range characters provided you follow the 3 cardinal rules given
in the Vessago Room.
#1 Prepare Yourself. Kill EVERYTHING you might back into if you need to kite the sasquatches and the
knight away from the room. HEAL and BUFF yourself.
#2 When breaking this door, DO NOT USE YOUR WHIP. Use a range attack like backdraft and keep the
hell away from the door. DO NOT USE ANY SKILLS THAT MOVE YOU FORWARD (i.e. bloodhit the door, attack
it with a whip, etc…) .
#3 DO NOT ENTER THE ROOM. (you can disregard this if you just need to kill the stragglers)
Don’t break the door if you see them bunched up on it, just wait it out until you are sure you can
draw Kunda out, or one of the knights. Run back to the entrance room of the lab- make sure the
knights dont have line of sight so they are forced to run to you. Ambush them, don’t let them live
for too long.
Proper sniping can usually net you a kunda and a knight, or just the kunda. You should have a far
easier time of it than melee characters.THE SACRIFICIAL CHAMBER (2 Spiders + 2 Larvae + Spider Boss)
There’s not too much to say at this point. Just read the LABORATORY ENTRANCE, which is a far nastier
room. What makes this nasty is the entrance condition- which is in the middle of the mob, but you
only have one truly vicious opponent.
Don’t forget though, even at level 50, you can take quite a bit of damage from spiders and spider
larva if they start spamming skills. 150+ damage that isn’t really able to be mitigated can add up,
so don’t die to a stupid reason like underestimating spiders.THE CHAMBER OF SPACE (general tips)
No segnale should have any trouble killing any of the monsters in here. They are alone 90% of the
time, and if they aren’t, they can be easily kited away. I put this section in here to add some tips
in getting through this place:
#1. Orient yourself when you enter. Always go top to bottom or vice versa (north to south). Even
though the room is randomized, every room follows a specific pattern. The ‘bridge’ stone is never
more than 2 squares away from the training stone. Destroy it, backtrack, then get the chest and then
the training stone. You go top to bottom because a north to south side opens up the middle bridge
connecting the other ones, and any isolated ‘floating’ chest islands in the middle.
#2. Use the map. 95% of all the layouts you receive require you to traverse EVERY square in order to
get every chest/training stone. The remaining 5%, you should still cross every square because its
usually the best route anyway. Don’t be shy, periodically check your map to make sure you dont see
any empty squares.
#3. If you think a bridge should be down but it isn’t, try to cross anyway. The graphics can get a
little bugged in there. Bridges don’t drop when they should, but the path is still there.THE GODDESS STATUES (3 Frizkhans + 3 in the Center)
One word. Pain.
This IS the biggest obstacle to any segnale finishing the dungeon, bar none. If you are doing this,
I hope you have some level 40 armors, or a decent health score because otherwise the damage alone
might kill you outright.
Three Frizkans spawn directly on top of the statue, and each frizkhan does 200-400 damage (depending
on your def) and periodically cast a curse which poisons you and makes your movement speed slow to a
crawl. You must go toe to toe with them. You wouldn’t want to kite them anyway, since 3 frizkhans
are spawned in the center, making moving a dangerous proposition.
This is a nightmare scenario. So first thing is first. Clear everything away. Assume you won’t live
through the battle, because unless you’ve already fought and won (then why are you reading this?)
you probably won’t live through it. Get as much exp as you can before you decide to break the seal.
Buff. make sure you have the guard buff on. At level 1 it gives you a fairly large chance to
partially or completely block one of their attacks. It will still hurt, but when you’re dealing with
an average of 300 X 3 (900 damage) a hit from all 3 of the frizkhans, it can be a lifesaver.
When you are fully pumped, carefully bring your statue of choice down to a sliver of life. You’re
going to hit it from a corner (if you haven’t figured this out already) to give yourself the maximum
amount of distance away from them. Why? Because there’s a trick you can do to make this fight a lot
I’m going to assume you have a decent level blood hit (3-5), and that its you’re most damaging
attack thus far. If you don’t… I don’t know what to say. What the hell do you use to fight red
creatures? Anyway, you normally aren’t able to use this attack when mobbed by them, but it has a
special property. Bloodhit becomes UNINTERRUPTABLE AFTER A CERTAIN NUMBER OF HITS. In my case, at
level 6, it can’t be interrupted after the 3rd hit.
This means it can be used as a deadly opener to bring a frizkhan down to half-life or more. The
MOMENT you backdraft the statue, target a frizkhan and use bloodhit. After the initial 2-3 hits, the
other frizkhans won’t be able to interrupt it, and you should have done a fair chunk of damage to at
least one of them. Concentrate everything on killing the wounded frizkhan with your spam skills.
Don’t bother watching the screen most of the time, LOOK AT YOUR HEALTH BAR. If it dips below a
thousand, hit a heal. If your heal is interrupted, chug a potion, and try again. The most important
part after damaging the frizkhan is to KEEP ALIVE and let auto-attack and
backdraft/dreadnail/evilspear/ whatever uninterruptable skill you have do its job. Look up only
after you’ve activated a damage spell to see if the frizkhan died.
Bloodhit. Spam Uninterruptables. Heal. Auto attack. STAY ALIVE. This is how you win. It isn’t
pretty, but staying alive is what we do best.
After the first frizkhan dies, I guarantee that the fight is now HUGELY more winnable. Like I said
in the beginning, every creature attacking us segnales adds an exponential amount of difficulty to
the fight. Dealing with two frizkhans is difficult, but if you’ve killed the third, I have faith
that you can defeat the other two no problem.
The ones in the center are easily isolated, so I hope you won’t have trouble with them.THE THRONE OF THE GODDESS (Boss Spider)
Out of all the classes, I believe we might have the easiest time of this particular fight. Unlike
other classes, we don’t have to pack as many health potions for this fight. 1 small mana potion is
the equivalent of 30 comparable health potions in our hands, and not nearly as flexible. However,
bring along several dozen large mana potions at least. It’s a LONG fight regardless.
When you activate the throne, you are automatically given ten minutes in order to beat the creature.
(So if you have 15 minutes left on the clock, you’ll only get ten to beat it) The fight will take a
long time, so make sure you are prepared.
You only have to do this fight once. In fact, you probably ONLY want to do it once. The boss spider
gives a ring (+95 hp, +mp, +35 poison damage) along with ~20,000 dil and maybe an argate. No
experience. It’s a brutal ten minute fight. You can’t drop or give away any extra rings you have
(trust me, I tried) or put them in a shop, so don’t bother doing this quest again.
You can’t do enough damage to interrupt the spider (it has at least 100k hitpoints, probably more),
and it will always do enough damage to interrupt you unless you come here at level 60 or something.
To be honest, as a segnale you can go toe to toe with it and auto attack it with the occasional
skill spam. It doesn’t attack that fast, and you can easily heal out of any damage it does to you.
You won’t die, but I’m not entirely sure you can do enough damage in a ten minutes time span to kill
The easiest way for me is to spam skills until the bloodhit cooldown is over, then run away from the
spider. Once it starts chasing you, hit bloodhit and after the 3rd hit, it can’t stop it from
finishing. 5k damage every 5 seconds from bloodhit + the damage from every other skill I have brings
the spider down pretty quickly.
When its dead, you should have around 3 minutes left over to take a breather and try out your new
( this article comes from

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