Monday, March 24, 2008

2Moons Guides *HOT* Other Guides (1)

Advices for New 2Moons Players

1) What is the BEST build/class/weapon for PVP/PVE
This is a question that has been run into the ground, so if you ask it, don’t expect people to answer politely. More often you’ll be told advice #1. To summarize, however, each class in two moons has it’s own combat specializations, strengths, and weaknesses. There is also the matter of terrain, positioning, combos, tactics, etc. Also keep in mind that most “X versus Y” pvp scenarios you’ll see assume a duel. It often doesn’t take into account ambush and hit-and-run since 2moons is an open PK server. So my advice? Pick a character class you LIKE and stick to it, know it’s strengths and limitations. If you fight only under favorable conditions for your class, you’ll win more often than not.
2) If this free to play?
Yes. There’s a cash shop but so far we’ve heard that the game items aren’t imbalancing. There is also in game advertising, which is a good thing because with the additional revenue the company can focus less on making money from the cash shop and more on entertaining the players.
3) So what’s the best build for my character?
Another topic done to death. To summarize, here’s a few tips: there are 4 stats in the game, STR, DEX, CON, and INT. These play their usual roles in 2moons compared to other MMOs so no need to explain. The things to keep in mind are:
a) Max level is 150
b) You get 5 stat points and 1 skill point every level to distribute
c) Stats can only cap at 300, so stat builds only make a diff midlevels. (EDIT: they removed the stat cap. yay! Shocked )
d) Each character has 20 or more skills and skills cap at 10 usually.
e) Therefore, it’s not stats, it’s skills you should focus on allocating.
f) To plan your mid and endgame skills go to and look for the skills allocator Very Happy
g) In case you wonder, that site also has weapons and their stat/lvl requirements, so you CAN use it to plan your early to mid level stats…
4) What makes 2moons different from other MMORPGs? Shocked
Too many to mention suffice it to say that the game has a LOT of nice elements that CAN be compared to other MMORPGs, BUT is the only game that has ALL of these elements mixed in one. Some examples include:
a) Open PK with NO exp/item loss for dying (yay!)
b) High damage hits can stagger a player so you can interrupt combos and spells
c) Skills here are COOL (like multi-hit ones and some with very useful status effects)
d) Potions have a delay time. Tired of pot-spamming PVP contests? Welcome to 2moons!
e) Instance dungeons are available for those who want to grind in peace Very Happy you pay GAME money, not real money, to activate em.
f) There are 60 voluntary game masters who keep a bot/hacker watch. They are players too, so they don’t wanna see the game ruined by bots and hacks…
g) There’s a cap of 4 to the number of mobs a single player can lure, meaning you can solo safely OR if you want tons of mobs you NEED to party Cool EDIT: (Summoners can lure 8; 4 for the summoner and 4 for his lackey )
h) Characters are allowed ONE free stat and skill reset each in their lifetime in case they screw up a build. If you wanna do this again, THEN there’s the cash shop
i) There’s in game blood, body part removal, and no word censoring. This is NOT a license to act like a barbarian however. It simply assumes players are MATURE enough not to indulge in rampant verbal abuse.
j) There’s a Shield bar for pvp that acts like a non-healable extra set of HP, because pvp damage remains the same as pve. This is better than games where pvp damage is smaller than pve damage because you can accurately rate your pvp damage on mobs. Just keep in mind players wear armor unlike the poor naked monsters….

( this article comes from

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