Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Free Warcraftwealth Guide, Exclusively Released by SwagVault with the Permission of Author!Reposting is expressly forbidden.

It's taken me a long time to figure out all of the things that you're about to learn. I've spent years on this.
This book is meant to be used like an encyclopedia. It's meant to be a REFERENCE, not a novel.
The best way to use it is to read it and find all of the parts that you like and all the ideas, skills and techniques that you would like to work on and improve. Then take those sections and either write them down or print them so you can review them and practice.
Success with WoW isn't like success with learning to use a light switch.
Success with WoW is more like success with learning to play a musical instrument. It takes practice. At first none of it makes any sense. Sometimes it seems as though all of your practice isn't making a difference.
But if you keep at it, eventually you'll be playing songs. And then you'll be writing songs. Next thing you know, you've become a master.

Read the rest of this Guide

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